That is what I like?

5 consejos para superar con éxito unas vacaciones en familia ...
HELLO !!, welcome back to my blog, today I will tell you some things about me. So let's start at once.

Helados artesanos vs helados industriales: ¿son diferentes en su ...First my name is Valentina Gutierrez Atencia, I am 14 but I will soon be 15, and I am going to a great school. 

-Sometimes I am responsible and organized with all my work materials.

-I really like being with my family, traveling with them, having parties with them, well I love to share with them all the time.

-I like to eat desserts and ice creams, and I also love pasta, it is super delicious.

-When I have nothing to do I start reading, now I'm reading a great story, I like science fiction and fantasy books. Just like the movies, I don't like horror movies, they scare me, but I love fantasy and science fiction movies.

-One of the sports that I like the most is riding a bicycle and swimming, I like to be in the seas, in rivers and in swimming pools. And with the bicycle, I learned to ride it on my grandfather's farm with the help of my family.

La bahía de Santa Marta vuelve a ser la más linda de América -I like to go to the beach, play with the sand with the sea.

-I am a believer, so I believe a lot in what the bible says. My family is too, thanks to them I know what. I also like music, I hate those songs where they say those bad words and talk about very ugly things, I like music where they talk about God, since as I said, I am a believer. There are Christian singers and they sing their music in different genres, there are meringue, pop, vallenato, reggaeton and many more, where they reflect GOD in their songs.



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